“Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook“
Dear AVAers and Friends: At the One World Berlin Human Rights Film Festival, in anticipation of the November elections, AVA is sponsoring Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook (see below) Director: Michael Kasino, Writer: Timothy SmithUSA 2019, 79 min, in the English original. With: Stacey Abrams, Matt Angle, William Barber |See full cast & crew » at the Lichtblick Kino at Kastienallee 77 on Monday, September 28, at 8 PM Trailer link: https://vimeo.com/296045604 This documentary examines how, since 2008, right-wing groups have worked with certain states to make it harder to vote, particularly for minority groups and young people.
→If you want to see this film in person at the Lichtblick, click on this link and buy your ticket: https://www.kinoheld.de/cinema-berlin/lichtblick-kino-berlin/show/2317874225#panel-seats. The Lichtblick will, of course, be following all of the required distancing rules. Members of the audience are invited to join the discussion that will follow the film at 9:15 PM.
→If you want to watch at home, click here any time: https://www.riggedthefilm.com/watch-at-home.
→If you want to join the live discussion at the Lichtblick, click on this Zoom link at 9:15 PM Berlin time (3:15 PM EST) on September 28: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89471897687?pwd=cEErZ3V4YnYyMlNQSUU0WUF0TzAzZz09. Password: rigged. No previous download necessary. Our own Doug Hillmer and Jon Oberg will be participating in the discussion from the United States. Doug worked at the Census Bureau for many years, especially on the American Community Survey, which helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. Jon worked at the U.S. Senate and at the U.S. Department of Education for sixteen years. In retirement, he blew the whistle on the false claims of student-loan lenders, achieving settlements in 7 of 9 cases against them.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Our AVA voter registrar, Alan Benson, will be at the Lichtblick to advise anyone about last-minute voting problems. Alan is also available at alan.benson@web.de to answer your questions by mail.